My Gospel is one of our best clients and we love working with them. It’s been a great experience while working with them. Pastor Alan Manson teaches the true and strong teachings of the gospel that not only save abandoned souls, but also teaches people in a new way. 

Kevin Madison is an author, husband, and father who has walked faithfully with the Lord for more than 28 years. The son of the late Pastor Leroy Phillips and Billie Mae Phillips, who raised their 13 children to love and fear the God of salvation and King of righteousness.

Dr. Scott is on a mission to, preach the Gospel, heal the brokenhearted, and set the captives free. We heal peoples wounds, set them free from the attacks of the enemy, and train them how to do the same for others.

Alabaster Grace Ministries is on a mission to attract men and women to Christ and the Bible as the center focus in their lives through music and the spoken word. Christian Marketing Experts is helping them in achieving their mission and spread the word of God through online mediums.