It is hard today to get noticed. You have to do a lot to ensure people see your company brand all the time. You aren’t sure where to spend your marketing dollars. Besides advertising, social media and digital spots, you can raise your brand through reviews and video testimonials. Here are some sites to use.
Google Reviews
Every business should have a presence on Google. You should have a Google My Business page and a Google Plus account. You should post to those sites regularly. Having a presence on Google gives you two advantages. The first is you have a place where people can review your product or service. These are important for brand awareness and search engine rankings. People would rather use a five-star dentist than a dentist without reviews. This applies to any product or service. People are looking for those five-star reviews. The concept is not new. Hotels and resorts have been known as five-star accommodations for a long time. The second advantage is using Google for social media posts is that they show up after you post them on Google.
Restaurants and home improvement businesses know about Yelp. However, Yelp also works for other businesses. I know a graphic designer who has gotten a lot of Yelp reviews that she now is getting business from it. A massage therapist was invited to a Yelp masquerade ball because she spent money on Yelp. She also has gotten reviews on Yelp. It is a good site to get reviews and spread your name locally.
Home Improvement Sites
If you are a contractor, you want to be on Angie’s List and Home Advisor. This is where people go when they want something done to their home. They are searching the reviews on those sites and are picking the contractors with the most reviews and stars. You want to build your reputation. These sites also are good for people who have to deal with the home in some fashion, such as window replacement. Many of these companies will balance their Angie’s Listing with a print marketing campaign, such as coupons mailed to homeowners and door hangers.
You can review companies on Facebook. Many people who sell directly to consumer benefit from having reviews posted on Facebook. Be careful, though. Facebook is changing its format to go back to the way it used to be. Much of the company information is being downplayed in favor of family stuff. It still works.
If you are looking for a place to be where only positive reviews can be placed, you should put your business on For about $50, you can load your business profile. You have the right to delete any negative review or comment. You can post videos and written reviews. You can manage your reputation without the hassle other review sites present. It is effective in increasing your business, establishing your brand and making your company searchable. It also provides a link back to your Web site.
Reviews are great, but video testimonials are better. Videos rank high in search engines. Also, video testimonials can be shared to other social media. When people see a video testimonial of how great your business is, they believe it. They build trust and want to do business with you. Get as many video testimonials as you can. Post on YouTube and have a link on your Web site or the full testimonial. You can put them on MoneyTree too.