Bible Christianity Spiritual Growth

From Distractions to Divine Conversations: Hearing the Father’s Voice

It’s true that we face countless daily distractions that keep us from hearing the Father’s voice directly. Yesterday, during a gathering with a Christian family, one of the sisters posed a significant question: “What is the biggest hurdle in the growth of individual Christians?”

I wasn’t surprised by the answer, especially when a teenage girl responded before I had the chance to share the Scripture. When I asked if anyone wanted to share their thoughts, she said that the biggest hurdle in our growth is our behavior—our sets of habits and routines, which are directly responsible for our everyday actions.

And it all starts with the thoughts that go against the knowledge of Christ and our Father in Heaven.

One day, my wife asked a Bible teacher a question about the will of God. She inquired, “Is everything happening around us a part of God’s will?” Of course not. However, the teacher shared something powerful: everything that glorifies the name of our Father in Heaven is part of His will. If we say everything happens because God wants it that way or it’s part of His plan, we fall prey to the deception and lies of Satan.

The following statement resonated deeply with me:

“Fasting and praying are great tools but often they are misplaced.”

In the past, I used fasting to try and manipulate the Father into giving me the answer I wanted.

Yes, believers often think prayer and fasting can change the will of God, but God’s plans are eternal and only He can change them. He is sovereign and does what is best for all of us. No prayer, fasting, or anything else can change His will.

The statement below has been a great blessing to me:

It’s far better to realize that we already have everything we need for life and godliness in Christ Jesus. We don’t need to pray perfectly for the Father to hear us. He hears us not because of our concise communication or eloquent speech, but because of the truth that we are new creations in Christ Jesus.

The blood of the Lamb of God is sufficient to wash us and cleanse us from all the sins of this world.

We are adopted sons and daughters of God because we believe in Jesus, our Lord and Savior. He paid the full price, empowering us and giving us a new identity.

We have been made holy, righteous, blameless, and above reproach. That’s why He hears us. That’s the Good News.

This scripture points to a time when people, church people, and God’s people were mocking the prophet. “Where is the word of God? Where is the guidance? Where is the free stuff?”

The Father has ultimately answered all our questions and a billion more that we can’t even comprehend, by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to give us new life.

The Word was sent, and it is now here for our lifeblood. The Father desires to have conversations with us about many things.

He has plans and answers ready long before challenging situations arise.

So let’s converse with Him expectantly at a whole new level from now on. And if He is silent on an issue, it’s either because He has already answered you or because He trusts you to make the decision and will be with you no matter what you choose. Today, let’s be bold and determined to live in our new creation identity.

As Christians, we must continually seek to align our behaviors and thoughts with the knowledge and teachings of Christ. It is not enough to rely on rituals or hope that everything is part of God’s plan. We must actively engage with the Holy Spirit, recognizing that God’s will is to glorify His name and draw us closer to Him. Prayer and fasting are not tools to manipulate God but means to draw us nearer to His will. By embracing our identity in Christ and understanding the sufficiency of His sacrifice, we can confidently navigate life’s challenges, knowing that we are heard, loved, and guided by the Father. Let’s step boldly into our roles as new creations, eager to live out God’s purpose with faith and determination.

Powerful Prayer:

“Father, I am so grateful for Your salvation plan. I am a new creation filled with the resources and salt of heaven. I know I will hear Your voice. Holy Spirit, please teach me more of Your powerful truth. I know that You love me and have filled me with faith, power, and wisdom. I will thrive in my new creation and become as bold as a lion. I will push out every negative thought and replace it with Your truth. Jesus, I believe that You are the Word of God made flesh, and every time I read Your Word, I know I’m hearing directly from You. I appreciate what You’ve done. I love You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

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Usman Raza

Usman Raza is a CEO and the co-founder of Faith-Based Advertising Company and a content marketing specialist at Christian Marketing Experts UK, Church Marketing Agency, and Mentors For SEO. He is devoted to helping small businesses bridge success gaps by providing in-depth, actionable advice on digital marketing, SEO, and small business growth. Follow him on Twitter @usmanintrotech.

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