Christian leaders Christian Media Christian Online Marketing Tips for Christian Audience
Christian leaders Christian Media Christian Online Marketing Tips for Christian Audience

The Importance of Establishing a Social Media Policy for Churches: Protecting Your Congregation and Brand

In this era of advanced digital communication, churches are increasingly recognizing the necessity of creating a comprehensive social media policy. Social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have become integral to congregational life, offering a means for connection, outreach, and community development. However, with this great potential for connection comes the responsibility to navigate the […]

Bible Christian leaders Christianity Tips for Christian Audience
Bible Christian leaders Christianity Tips for Christian Audience

Harnessing the Power of Social Media for Good: How to Develop an Engaging and Positive Online Presence for Your Church

In today’s digital age, social media has become an indispensable tool for connecting with communities and spreading messages of positivity. And for churches, harnessing the power of social media can be a game-changer. It is essential to develop an engaging and positive online presence that resonates with both existing congregants and potential newcomers. Creating a […]

Christian leaders Christianity Every-day Tips faith-based
8 Biblical Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus's Suffering and Death
Christian leaders Christianity Every-day Tips faith-based

8 Biblical Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus’s Suffering and Death

As a central figure of Christianity, Jesus Christ has been the subject of countless discussions and debates concerning his life, teachings, and ultimately, his death. From the moment, he was born until his crucifixion and ascension, many biblical prophecies were fulfilled by his life. However, it was during his suffering and death that some of […]

Christian Books Christian leaders Christianity Tips for Christian Audience
22 Christian Topics Best-Selling Authors Can Write in Their Next Book
Christian Books Christian leaders Christianity Tips for Christian Audience

22 Christian Topics Best-Selling Authors Can Write in Their Next Book

In Christian books, there is a wide range of topics authors can choose. From stories about hope and faith to those about redemption and grace, Christian authors have a wealth of ideas to write in a book. In addition to the traditional topics, there are some unique and interesting topics that best-selling authors can explore […]

Christian leaders Christianity faith-based Uncategorized
Christian leaders Christianity faith-based Uncategorized

End-Time Errors: Drawing Lines through Matthew 24

When I first began to wrestle with Jesus’ Olivet Discourse (which emerges from a heated Matthew 23, rests solidly in Matthew 24 and then ascends into end-of-days judgment by Matthew 25), I struggled. At one point, I thought I had it figured out. Like many others, I determined there had to be a line drawn […]