Christian leaders

Four Things to Consider When Christians Evangelize the Gospel

Evangelism in Christianity means spreading the good news of Christ Jesus who died on the cross for all humankind. He has paid the price of our sins, He was not a sinner but took our sins upon the cross and died. He was buried but raised on the third day and now sits on the right hand of the Most High God. He will come again to judge all living and dead humans.

If somebody believes the above as stated faith, he or she can then go for baptism and become born again Christian. See my personal analysis and experience about evangelism. I hope this going to help ministers, church leaders, and evangelists all around the world.


Healing and miracles are two different powers of the Holy Spirit. Healing and salvation are also two different aspects of the Christian life. Healing is for the problem or deficiency you have in your body. But salvation is for your soul (eternal life). Miracles can happen. Healing can happen, but if people do not experience salvation or freedom, then there is a chance they are not allowing the Holy Spirit to function fully in their lives.  

Sometimes, healings and miracles happen because of one-sided faith of ministers or evangelists who are praying for the church. If people focus on healing without experiencing salvation, they probably will get sick again. Evangelists should focus more on teaching the word of God instead of praying for healing. Moreover, if they know the truth, the truth will free them because they will get eternal healing (salvation) and will be free in soul, spirit, and body.


For Christian evangelists, it is a very important part of their everyday life to give testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ. Using testimony, they can show how the Word of God works in their lives, how they transformed into a new creature to become born again Christian. People will trust you when they see Christ’s testimony in your own life. To become an effective evangelist, you should share your testimony.

Preaching Gospel

Preaching the Gospel is a responsibility the Lord has given to Church leadership. Some people think preaching is the responsibility of pastors or prophets. However, any believer who is born again and received the Holy Spirit as a gift of faith, can preach and share the word of God. Evangelism is one of the five ministries of the church:

1- Pastor

2- Bible Teachers

3- Evangelists

4- Prophets

5- Apostles

Learn Before You Teach

There is a famous saying. Training is first, but the Holy Spirit is a must. For Christian evangelists, they must spread the word efficiently. You must learn before you teach the Gospel of Christ Jesus, our Lord, and savior. I saw many evangelists are teaching people but they do not understand the doctrines they are preaching. I am not saying they should stop preaching, but, at least, they should learn more while teaching. Knowing every doctrine of the Bible is so important because you are not fighting with flesh and blood but with the unseen powers of darkness. Ephesians 6:12

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Usman Raza

Usman Raza is a CEO and the co-founder of Faith-Based Advertising Company and a content marketing specialist at Christian Marketing Experts UK, Church Marketing Agency, and Mentors For SEO. He is devoted to helping small businesses bridge success gaps by providing in-depth, actionable advice on digital marketing, SEO, and small business growth. Follow him on Twitter @usmanintrotech.