I believe that Jesus wrote to these seven churches in the book of Revelation because he was giving them a report card of their performance being a minister of Christ Jesus. The results of exams for students could be A, B, C, D or F. Let’s compare the report to the seven churches to students and their grades.

Let’s Analyze the church of Ephesus.

This church was doing great in rejecting false prophets and going after hard work for ministering for Lord Jesus. Despite the appreciation of the good work, Jesus did highlight the church’s mistake of not showing the same love as they did previously. Here is the main lesson for every church. Even though we are walking perfecting fine, we need to reflect and check our everyday activities in Christ Jesus. Consistency in love is the key the Lord wants to see in every Church.

Let’s Explore Smyrna: Second Church in the Book of Revelation

When it comes to Smyrna,  this church was rich with a real wealth of suffering. Jesus appreciated their efforts to fight against the devil. He advised the people to stay in faith until the last day, and they will be blessed forever. 

Take a Peak at the Third Church Pergamum: the Book of Revelation

This church was losing its faith in Christ. He warned them to not mix the wrong doctrine with the word of God. Christ appreciated their courage for staying faithful even in tough situations. However, Christ also showed this church what they are doing wrong. It was compared to the prophet of the Old Testament who became the reason for sowing the wrong seed in Israel by allowing them to become an adulterer and eat the sacrifices of idols. So Christ warned them and said if the people didn’t repent, He would come and fight with the wrong member of the church. Also gave them the hope of eating eternal bread and white stone mark with an unknown name.

Review the Church of Thyatira

This Church had grown in faith, love and in ministry. The work of the people was twice as good compared to previous work. However, they are following the teachings of a false woman, Jezebel, who called herself a prophetess. The Lord said this woman would push members of the church toward adultery and eating the sacrifices of idols. The Lord has given her time to repent; however, she is not willing to ask for forgiveness. 

Jesus is clearly saying He put that woman onto the bed and whoever does adultery with her will be in great danger. He will kill her children. The people in this church who has faith will know the one and only Lord, and He will reward or punish according to the work of their hands. 

Despite the above-mentioned things, there were few people in the church of Thyatira who are not accepting or walking with the teaching of this woman Jezebel. The Lord told them, “I will not put more load on you; however, whatever you have learned from me keep that in mind. Whoever overcomes and stay faithful to me and work according to my words I will give them the authority on nations.”

See The Church of Sardis

The Church of Sardis is a different type of church, according to the book of Revelation. This church called alive, but, in reality, this church is a dead church. These types of churches exist even now. People who have forgotten the true teaching of Gospel and do not want to correct themselves are like the Church of Sardis. 

Pay Attention to Philadelphia: The Second Last Church of the Book of Revelation

This is an excellent Church that despite its small strength, the people fight with the devil and did not deny Lord Jesus. The Lord appreciated their faith and love. Following the doctrine of suffering and patience, the Lord promised this Church that If they keep their faith in Christ Jesus they will be added as a pillar in the Kingdom of God.

Take a Final Look at Laodicea: Last Church of the Book of Revelation

This Church considers itself a wealthy Church. But the Lord has described the people that you are not wealthy instead you are poor and blind and does not know what true riches means. Jesus offered them to buy real gold from Him. This is the condition for many Churches today. Some Christians think that they are rich and do not need anything more, but they are like the Church of Laodicea. The real gold is the Word of God. If any Church wants to get wealthy, it must have Wealth of the Word of God. It must exhibit the Spirit of Wisdom, the Spirit of Knowledge, the Spirit of Understanding, the Spirit of Joy, the Spirit of Counselling, the Spirit of Faith, the Spirit of Power.

Which church does yours model? 

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Usman Raza

Usman Raza is a CEO and the co-founder of Faith-Based Advertising Company and a content marketing specialist at Christian Marketing Experts UK, Church Marketing Agency, and Mentors For SEO. He is devoted to helping small businesses bridge success gaps by providing in-depth, actionable advice on digital marketing, SEO, and small business growth. Follow him on Twitter @usmanintrotech.