Tips for Christian Audience

Politicians Attack Rights of Churches, Americans

President Biden, politicians and leaders are attacking rights spelled out in the U.S. Constitution in the name of preventing racism or protecting public health. The truth is their actions are dividing our country more, trampling over the Bill of Rights, and not protecting health. Here are some ways churches should be on alert this year.

Shut Down Continues

President Biden believes that making sure people are not in crowds through shutdowns is effective.  In California and the eastern part of Florida, people were arrested for attending worship services. In the United Kingdom, police shut down Good Friday services.

That means that churches will continue to be closed in many states. However, last year, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the churches against New York. The Court said the state didn’t have the right to close places of worship. Many states, such as California, are still trying to keep churches closed. Expect politicians to maintain church closures, especially in those areas with high numbers of cases or large populations

More Court Cases 

Churches will have to go to court more often to protect their freedoms, especially with the opinion that closures are important prevention measures. Churches will have to show they are complying with local health regulations, but they have a right to be open and invite people to attend services. Court cases include those to fight criminal charges that should not be allowed.

Fewer Restrictions on Abortions 

Many Christians believe that abortions are against God’s plan for humankind. However, the federal government has chipped away at restrictions on abortions that states try to impose and those that churches have privately imposed against abortions. As nonprofit entities, churches have the right to have whatever bylaws and requirements they want. However, Congress has tacked on abortion measures to grant funding and regulations in their industry, which means that churches are stuck going against their own beliefs to receive funding or assistance from the federal government. This trend will continue. All lives matter.

More Acceptance of Immorality 

Christians believe that homosexual acts are wrong and immoral. Yet those on the left accept homosexual acts, transgender people, and more as normal. In fact, President Biden issued an executive order allowing transgender people to join the military.

A military chaplain said they don’t have the right mindset to serve, but Biden said they should serve. They want schools to teach these immoral practices. They want churches to be leaders in the movement and to increase the number of non-Christian marriages. They want churches to pay out benefits to partners even though they don’t believe in it.

The laws are written in such a way that churches are not given much choice in the matter. Pope Francis recently told Catholics that homosexuality is wrong and he would not allow Catholic priests to marry them in the church. Still, in America, states are fighting to have these marriages made.

An Increase in Anxiety 

Since the COVID-19 problem began, counselors in churches have noticed more people are anxious and fearful. Many are considering suicides, especially among teens. While many factors are contributing to the number of anxious people, the continued shutdown of churches is a reason.

People have no place to go where they can feel safe and loved if the church is closed. Another factor is being forced to accept things people know are false teachings, such as homosexuality and abortions. The more laws that force churches to preach the wrong messages, the more Christians will become fearful and anxious, experts predicted. The movement by Black Lives Matter also has been increasing fear and anxiety in people.

An Increase in Poverty 

Mortgage experts believe that this year will start a string of foreclosures. If President Biden continues to push shutdowns, more people will be unemployed and not be able to meet their mortgage payments, which will lead to foreclosures and homelessness. More churches will be trying to feed and house homeless members in their community.

Commercial foreclosures began last year when companies realized they don’t need to pay the overhead for office space when people are working from home. These commercial building owners are facing empty offices with no new leases. That will trickle down to residential and people not able to work to pay bills. Churches will be expected to pick up the slack on all those people needing help.

Final Words

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and the 14th Amendment give churches the right to worship any way they see fit. However, in the last decade, religious freedoms and religious beliefs have been chipped away. Last year’s pandemic accelerated the loss of religious freedoms.

The pandemic also attacked Americans’ right to assemble and right to own property when the riots began. The right to a jury trial was suspended when many states canceled court hearings due to pandemic concerns.

The president has the right to protect Americans, but he does not have the right to forego all other freedoms in the name of health. Americans and churches will have to stay alert to what politicians will do this year and fight for their rights. Now, the second amendment is under attack. 

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Usman Raza

Usman Raza is a CEO and the co-founder of Faith-Based Advertising Company and a content marketing specialist at Christian Marketing Experts UK, Church Marketing Agency, and Mentors For SEO. He is devoted to helping small businesses bridge success gaps by providing in-depth, actionable advice on digital marketing, SEO, and small business growth. Follow him on Twitter @usmanintrotech.