Christianity faith-based Spiritual Growth

Rescuing the Lost Sheeps: The Journey Begins Outside

Conversing with 81-year-old Brother (Steve) Regopoulos over the past two and a half years has led me to the realization that sheep aren’t lost due to the absence of a shepherd. More often than not, it’s poor shepherding that causes them to lose interest in the Shepherd’s voice.

Brother Steve emphasizes two key priorities for church leadership: simplifying the message from the pulpit and teaching the significance of establishing a personal connection with the Holy Spirit.

Despite his efforts to engage with numerous prominent churches and Christian leaders, many have failed to grasp the power behind three simple words: Truth, Order, and Love.

These three words, it seems, encapsulate the foundational teachings of our compassionate Heavenly Father.

Furthermore, as Christians, we’ve been indoctrinated to believe that speaking truth requires a certain entitlement or spiritual qualification, lest we sin or create room for sin. Unfortunately, I’ve witnessed many learned theologians and scholars within churches whose understanding and knowledge misrepresent our Lord Jesus!

This isn’t an indictment against churches or gatherings of believers. In fact, leading a small house church has illuminated the leadership gaps often overlooked by larger congregations. These gaps necessitate pastors, preachers, and teachers to step down from the pulpit and humbly serve those disciples seeking to practice Christianity beyond the church walls.

The purpose of this article is to implore church leaders to find their way back home. Are we following in the footsteps of Jesus, our Lord and Savior? Behold, He shall return in power and glory unlike anything witnessed before, a glory reserved solely for the Son of God.

Do our actions reflect our Heavenly Father, or are we merely echoing the desires of this fallen world?

Are we worshipping solely with musical instruments, or do we adorn ourselves with the garment of worship?

Are we consistent in character at home, or do our children witness a different person behind the pulpit?

While additional questions may arise, the answers to these inquiries may lead some away from the physical confines of the church building. Wake up, leaders! We must acknowledge why and who is being lost in this world due to our actions. As Jesus proclaimed, mistreating the least among us is akin to mistreating Him.

Let us remember the ultimate purpose of these ministries within the body of Christ: to nurture the flock of Jesus Christ. Any congregation or Christian community lacking this focus has veered off course!

I would humbly request to all who will read this article, that He who shed His blood for His sheep will not overlook anyone! He is both a God of love and a consuming fire simultaneously!


Author bio:

Usman Raza is a passionate Christian leader dedicated to guiding faith-based businesses towards success. As the CEO and co-founder of Christian Marketing Experts LLC, he specialises in offering tailored digital marketing strategies and SEO solutions grounded in biblical principles. He is also the founder and chairman of Peter and Petra, where he mentors and supports Christian entrepreneurs in their spiritual and professional journeys. Usman’s mission is to empower businesses to thrive while maintaining their core values and ethical standards.

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Usman Raza

Usman Raza is a CEO and the co-founder of Faith-Based Advertising Company and a content marketing specialist at Christian Marketing Experts UK, Church Marketing Agency, and Mentors For SEO. He is devoted to helping small businesses bridge success gaps by providing in-depth, actionable advice on digital marketing, SEO, and small business growth. Follow him on Twitter @usmanintrotech.