Marketing and advertising businesses are distrusted around the world. People believe they spend a lot of money and get nothing in return or that people will have to buy worthless products due to misleading or wrong information. This perspective is true up to a point because some salespeople are not honest. Some also charge too […]
A search engine optimization expert or company analyzes reviews and modifies websites so they are found when people search for a keyword in the search results. This means increasing the traffic to websites or visits at your local store. When you show up in search results, more people will click on your site, and you are […]
Business owners and Christian churches want to drive traffic to their websites, create brand awareness and generate more customers or congregation members. One of the best ways of gaining Internet visibility is by having good search engine optimization. With more than 71,000 Google Searches per second, and the top three search pages gaining more than […]
We know the different type of stones and their usage in our lives. Stones are smaller rocks or parts of a big rock. We can call a stone as a small rock. That is why when Simon recognized Christ as Son of God with the help of the Holy Spirit. Jesus immediately said, Simon, you […]
Because the world is an information-overload society, companies and ministries must find a way to reach their target market. Churches must do some form of marketing to draw in congregations and new members. Young people want more from their church than churches are used to do. In the past, they could have ministries and announce […]
Churches around the world will be celebrating Good Friday, but just because they celebrate it, doesn’t mean people will come. They have to promote Good Friday services and entice members of their congregations to attend. Churches always will get those who go every year because they believe it is one of the holiest days on […]
Small business owners have a choice to make. They can do the marketing themselves or hire a marketing consultant. If they choose to hire a marketing consultant, they have to pick the right one for their business. That could be a daunting task, but it is a necessary task. Companies that do their own marketing […]
The Internet is among the best things to happen to churches. This generation also happens to be a good time to be a church on a mission. If your objective as a church is to lead your public and build up an association with Christ, your church marketing strategies do matter. I know, it appears […]
Image Source: Smartphones have become a crucial part of our lives in the modern world. Everyone carries their phones with them because they now act as notebooks, schedules, and computers. This has turned into an office on the go. That is why it has become such an excellent choice for advertisements. The smartphone marketing […]
Five Elements of Effective Church Marketing Small businesses, churches, nonprofits, and ministries all have to have an effective marketing plan. Although they have a marketing plan, the people they target is different depending on what they want to achieve. Despite their differences, they have several things in common. They all want to raise funds: businesses […]