Regardless of your organization’s size, marketing is a vital component for getting the ‘good news’ out in new ways. Marketing done right can do that for you. Church marketing is different than traditional marketing. Instead of selling, the primary focus involves branding, increasing your overall reach within your community and extended community, and getting new […]
Christian Web Trends did research. It found that it is important for a church to have a website and application. But when researchers asked people to choose between applications for phones and websites 58 percent of the people chose apps. The result showed that larger churches prefer apps more than smaller ones. 51 percent of […]
I believe that Jesus wrote to these seven churches in the book of Revelation because he was giving them a report card of their performance being a minister of Christ Jesus. The results of exams for students could be A, B, C, D or F. Let’s compare the report to the seven churches to students […]
We all know that a prophet is a man appointed and anointed by God to deliver His message. We see countless prophecies in the Old Testament. There are many prophecies and testimonies that were not added into the Old Testament due to lack of time and written resources available to humankind. God gave five books […]
Drive down the road and when you pass a church, you might see a sign. Many times, the sign lists times for services or a Gospel message. However, a church sign can do so much more than list service times or give an inspirational message. When used correctly, your church sign can be a powerful […]
Running a Christian business sounds hard, but it is easier than you thought when you know where you are going. When you have a clear road-map in your hand, you could use tools to reach your destination faster. The following are three things that you should know about your Christian business. End Goal of Starting […]
Many marketing companies will provide social media service. Usually, this task involves the marketing company posting and managing your sites. While this is helpful to the small business owner, it isn’t providing enough services. Small business owners would benefit more from a social media coach, and a Christian social media coach provides even more benefits. […]
Running a Christian business is not as easy as it sounds. You have to focus on marketing strategies and other areas of business. That’s why business owners are often at their wit’s end trying to come up with solutions that promote their products and bring in more customers. To do that, search engine optimization is […]
Several theories surround transformation in the market. Transforming your life is not as easy as it sounds. People sometimes struggle their whole lives to find ways to become who God wants them to be. In this Internet-based world, blogging has its place. Blogging has influenced more people than other strategies. Christian blogging can transform your […]
Whatever your profession, writing is a key component. For pastors, they will have to write sermons, business plans, strategies for evangelism and grant proposals. They also might want to write about the Gospels and salvation. Although pastors are expected to know a lot about everything that happens in a parish, they often don’t. Many will […]